Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones

       Mobile phones for some people are the most important thing in their lifes.They change the personality of a lot of people and those people create a lot of not important things like, facebook, twiter, orkut...Mobile phones has changed and aways going to change people's life.
       Mobile phones have a lot of possibilities. First they can talk with a lot of people in al the word, in another country, city. Second you can view parents, uncles, aunts and all of your family. Finally people can use the internet on mobile phones to access websites to study, see videos, talk to people, play games etc. Finally you can buy things for you use in all of your activities in your day.
       However there are some disadvantages for mobile phones, first of all, you can't throw it away because it create a lot of rubbish. Second, companies always makes a lot of better phones mobile than yours. Lastly, people can download virus on your mobile phone track your location and kill you.
       Mobile phone is the best invention the man had invented. You can be conected with all of the word, but don't stop read books, newspaper. But don't substitute the books by technology.                                        

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